Top Builder - Top Power

- All our spreadport 12 degree engines will come with .904" Isky Red-Zone Lifters. The .904" lifter is approximately 20% stronger and has a much bigger wheel. Dyno research with 5 different cam profiles shows an average gain of 15 HP and as much as 25 HP over the peak power curve. We can retro-fit your existing engine very inexpensively! CALL 1-800-957-7223 FOR DETAILS!
- All dyno tuning is done with 8 Oxygen sensors to measure carburetor tuning for each cylinder. We can also provide an ignition profile to measure the power of your new engine or any engine that we dyno. There may be as much as 6 jet sizes in stagger and multiple air bleed changes. We will make the engine very tunable at the track, you will never have to change an air bleed, only a main jet up or down usually one (1) number. If you use a digital MSD box and we tune the carburetors we have found as much as 30 HP just in the tune-up and ignition profile.
- We have an extensive R&D program. Steve Schmidt spent 6 weeks working with the .937" lifters and we have developed many new exciting cam pro-files. We have also worked hard on intake manifold development for both our 24 degree and 12 degree heads. Look for many exciting new products and performance tips in the coming months.
At Steve Schmidt Racing Engines we build custom race engines to fit just about every application. We can take about any idea and build you an engine to fit your specific need, and custom design a package that works for your application.
For those customers that have already bought some of their own parts or have projects partially completed, we are happy to work with you and help you complete your project. We can update your existing engine, or freshen up an engine from another engine builder.
Let Steve Schmidt Racing Engines build your next engine! We also stock what we sell, we have over 20 engines in stock for immediate delivery. Check out our new engine additions. You want power, performance and reliability, Steve Schmidt Racing Engines can deliver! Call 1-800-957-7223 or contact us today!
This is our Pro Stock rental fleet!